The importance of human communications 

December 01, 2020

Have you ever been annoyed by these robot voices during a call, or call you at home offering promotions? You are not alone. The robots can even help us with different tasks, but deep down human beings are social creatures. We have been made to speak with other people, not with machines. 

The times change and Felitron is always adapting 

We very well know that the New Corona-virus pandemic has radically changed the life of people in a short time. Because of it, we were forced to maintain distance from our colleagues at work, our friends and even our family. 

A large part of the workforce migrated from the office to the home- office, and a lot of companies have realized that his tendency is here to stay. 

Thus, the state-of-the-art technology of Felitron is here to help us. Our devices have the best audio, the best sound, and the maximum comfort so that you may hold videoconferences, chat with your friends and, why not, even do virtual parties. 

Felitron recognizes that communication is based in this interpersonal relationship: it is the human speak, it is the face-to-face speak with people, not with robots. With thirty-nine years in the market, we have always strived to offer products with the highest quality for a variety of activities and functions. 

Come to the future with Felitron.  

Also check out: Bravo Headset 

About Felitron

Of Italian origin and initially founded with the surname of its creator Giovanni FIORETTI, Felitron was born in 1986 in São Paulo - Brazil, as a supplier of components for the strong telephone industry of that decade.

Know the line Epko Plus

Designed based on 30 years of experience, the third generation of Felitron's Premium headsets brings innovations in design, ergonomics, comfort, and durability.

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